CCP Audit

Through ongoing learning, the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) supports LPNs in achieving and demonstrating continuing competence. By completing the annual requirements, LPNs are meeting the continuing education and practice expectations outlined in the Standards of Practice on the Continuing Competence Program. The program provides LPNs with a framework for self-reflection and integration of self-directed learning into their nursing practice. Audit runs from the beginning of May with submissions due by June 30.

Audit Process

The audit process verifies LPNs have met the requirements of the CCP.

A CCP Audit Rubric is available to assist and guide the LPN with the submission of the audit requirements. This tool provides criteria of acceptable and unacceptable levels of performance for each learning component.

Approximately 10% of LPNs are selected to participate in the audit. Decisions regarding audit submissions are made based on the specific criteria as outlined in the CCP Audit Rubric. Decision-making criteria includes:

  1. evidence of participation in the CCP for practice year included in the audit.
  2. links between continuing competence goals and learning activities.
  3. evaluation of the impact of learning on nursing practice.
  4. documented proof of completion of learning activities (if requested).

The LPN will receive a written letter regarding the outcome of their audit submission. A decision will be either as having met the requirements of the audit or not meeting requirements.

For audit submissions that do not meet the approval criteria, reasons are included in a letter. The LPN will then have the opportunity to resubmit their audit.

Important Information

  • Audit submissions are due by June 30.
  • Audit submissions may take four weeks to process.
  • If a submission does not meet requirements, additional time may be required to address any deficiencies.
  • LPNs will not be approved for the following year’s registration if CCP audit requirements are not met on or before December 31.
  • Late submission of CCP audit will be subject to a registration levy of $100. Any fees or levies incurred during the registration year must be paid prior to the approval of registration renewal.

Questions about Continuing Competence or CCP Audit?

Contact Continuing Competence through Ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.