LPN News

July 5, 2024 | Regulated Members, Practice

Self-Employed Practice: A Guide for LPNs

The CLPNA’s Self-Employed Practice guideline was updated in April.

This guideline outlines the professional expectations and obligations of registrants who are self-employed or are considering self-employment in LPN practice. This practice guideline is not a substitute for legal or business advice.

What Is Self-Employed Practice?

Self-employed practice refers to when an LPN provides professional services without being under the direction of an employer or another healthcare professional.

Self-employed practice includes when an LPN provides professional services as a business, volunteer, contractor, or in self-managed care. It can be done alone or in collaboration with other healthcare professionals or individuals.

What Responsibilities Do LPNs Have?

Self-employed LPNs are responsible for complying with legislation and regulations related to healthcare, privacy, and owning/operating a business. They follow standards of practice, the Code of Ethics, and other regulatory documents that govern the LPN profession and the area of business in which they practice.

Self-employed LPNs provide safe, ethical, and competent client care within their individual scope of practice. This means only performing activities that are in the regulated LPN scope of practice; this also means that self-employed LPNs can only perform activities if they are competent to do so. See our practice guideline, Determining LPN Scope of Practice, for more information.

The Self-Employed Practice guideline will support LPNs in navigating further aspects of self-employed practice, including:

  • conflicts of interest
  • advertising and use of the LPN title
  • informed consent
  • safe practice environment
  • documentation
  • safeguarding and management of client records
  • use of technology and social media

Looking for further guidance?

Contact Practice through Ask CLPNA
or call 1-800-661-5877.