LPN News

May 29, 2024 | Public

CLPNA Strategic Update 2023

Our 2022-2025 Strategic Direction

The public trusts the CLPNA as a regulator.

  • Registrants are valued in the healthcare system.
  • The public finds the information they want, when they need it.

The public benefits from the care of our registrants.

  • Registrants don’t work outside their legislated scope of practice.
  • Registrants continuously learn in response to health needs.
  • Registrants meet standards of practice.
  • Standards of education respond to changing health needs quickly.

Strategic Pillars

Our 2023 activities built on the strength of the strategic pillars identified in the Strategic Plan. These pillars, and the activities under them, are summarized below.

Strengthening Service Delivery

  • Revise the English Language Proficiency policy to give applicants more options for providing proof of proficiency.
  • Change our processes to allow internationally educated nurses to submit more documentation to the CLPNA.
  • Redesign the CLPNA website to make it easier to find information and accommodate the integration of HCAs.
  • Launch a conduct video series to support better understanding of the process for all stakeholders.

Enhancing Collaboration and Confidence

  • Conduct the 2023 registrant survey to gain insights into factors that could impact the care that LPNs provide to the public.
  • Launch a research grant to support better decision making and information sharing within our regulatory mandate.
  • Revise our minimum data set for the Canadian Institute for Health Information to standardize our reporting.
  • Implement a performance measurement framework to better understand the current and future impacts of regulation.

Evolving Professional Competence

  • Revise practical nurse program standards to support programs in developing competent graduates and responding to system needs.
  • Launch new competency resources to support LPNs in maintaining competence and providing safe care.
  • Revise Standards of Practice for LPNs on Boundary Violations to address emerging issues in the system.
  • Collaborate on the development of the practice guideline on Injectable Aesthetic Therapies to support better understanding of this practice area.


Learn More by Reading our Annual Report

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